Meet Your Trainer
Delivers Powerful, Practical Solutions

Samantha Webb
Principal - National Trainer - Keynote Speaker!
Sam has one philosophy on teaching- YOUR students are destined for greatness! And YOU are the person for the job!
Teaching is a complex profession. That’s why teaching for many of us is a mission, a purpose. Most of us get into teaching because we believe in the possibility of changing lives-we believe in our students becoming the great humans they were destined to be. However, teaching is hard! But we cannot lose our faith in this profession-in our mission to ensure every student reaches their full greatness! If we want to change lives (which you will!) we need to begin with our mindset, with our training, and with our heart. We must LOVE our children, as though they are our own. We must desire a future of unlimited possibilities for them. We must get to know them-as we would want someone to get to know us. And then after we build genuine relationships with our children, we must implement research based techniques and strategies. Sam’s done the research for you! She is an expert teacher and expert administrator. And the keys to a successful classroom-one where joy fills the room, students are on task, and achievement is soaring-are formed in our classroom management techniques. But they don’t have to be hard! Teachers have more pressures than before, more demands than before, and more complex behaviors in the classroom than ever before. All of the techniques and strategies that Sam will teach you are easy to implement, take little time, and most importantly, they yield results immediately!
Sam understands that students come into our classrooms and schools with different backgrounds and cultures and their cognitive abilities, assets and experiences are just as wide ranging. Where does a teacher begin when they are trying to meet the needs of all the diverse learners in the classroom? Sam will teach you universal strategies to ensure all students are learning, engaged, and thriving. But the most important component of Sam’s training is the one of the heart! Sam not only teaches you techniques for the classroom but will reinvigorate your heart, your passion, and your love for teaching! When you leave the training, you will feel that something has changed internally-and you are ready for your destiny towards greatness!
Sam is dedicated to helping educators be successful and reach their greatness through motivation, inspiration, humor and a common-sense approach to cultivating the classroom of your dreams! She leaves educators with as many proven, practical strategies as she can. She also leaves educators with a reset heart, a renewed passion, and a desire to go forth and be great-changing the lives of educators, just as they will change the lives of the students they teach!

- Current Title 1 Principal & Former Title 1 Teacher & Dean
- National Trainer, Classroom Management
- Graduate of Florida State University & University of South Florida
If schools were permitted to have just one training, this is the one!
This training will help to raise test scores for your students, decrease discipline challenges, and improve classroom rapport. You will learn how to meet students where they are and lead them where they need to be, capture attention, and promote deeper learning.